Tarik Rogers is the CEO of BearTek, a line of gloves that can control smart devices without having to take the gloves off. He and his partner Willie Blount are going on Shark Tank to pitch their business and their plans for the future. Rogers told the Dallas Morning News that “Our biggest reason for going to Shark Tank was promotion of the product.”
[LEFT: BEARTEK Classic Glove Kit w/ RevB Phone Module on Amazon — $78.99]
To help promote the product further, BearTek launched an Indigogo campaign the day their Shark Tank episode will premiere (February 5, 9pm on ABC). The goal is to raise $40,000 for BearTek Gen II – gloves for runners, cyclists, or non-sporty people who want that kind of fingertip access on their cold morning commute.
[Related: 27 Favorite ‘Shark Tank’ Products — New 2017 List]