The publication history of The Jefferson Lies is troubled and controversial, especially in the dramatic telling by its new paperback publisher on Amazon. The 2012 hardcover was designed as a defense — as a corrective to those trying to tear down the laudatory view of American founding father and third president Thomas Jefferson, writer of the Declaration of Independence and slave owner. But the scholarship of author David Barton was assailed by many critics, and the book suffered because of it.
[Amazon: The Jefferson Lies: Exposing the Myths You’ve Always Believed About Thomas Jefferson]
But The Jefferson Lies 2012 release in hardcover was withdrawn from bookstore shelves by its original publisher (Thomas Nelson), in what the new paperback publisher says was a “shocking” and “virtually unprecedented” move in American publishing history. Now a new paperback version of The Jefferson Lies has just been published by the 14-year-old WND Books, whose tagline reads: Because the world has a right to know. The publisher specializes in sensational books that assert controversial ideas.