In the TV movie A Christmas Reunion, New York City advertising executive Amy Stone (Denise Richards) is called home to attend the funeral of her Aunt Linda, the town’s beloved baker. Aunt Linda’s attorney, Dylan Carruthers, who grew up with Amy, brings Amy and her ex-boyfriend from high school, Jack Evans (Patrick Muldoon) into his office. Dylan informs them that Aunt Linda has left her entire estate to the both of them, including the bakery.
[Who Is Aunt Linda In ‘A Christmas Reunion’?]
[Who Is Boss Don In ‘A Christmas Reunion’?]
Lawyer Dylan Carruthers is portrayed by Jake Busey. The son of actor Gary Busey, Jake is best known for his recurring role in Sex, Love & Secrets (Ray Foley) with his A Christmas Reunion co-star Denise Richards. He, Richards, and Patrick Muldoon were all in the 1997 film Starship Troopers, for which Busey learned how to play the violin. He’s currently starring in From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series as Professor Aiden Tanner. A Christmas Reunion will premiere on ION on December 13 at 9pm.