The animated series Samurai Jack will return to Cartoon Network after an 11 year hiatus. The protagonist is Jack, who is sent to the future by the evil wizard Aku. It’s up to the young samurai to undo all the destruction caused by the demonic Aku. The original series aired on Cartoon Network from 2001 to 2004. Cartoon Network announced that Samurai Jack will return to the network’s Adult Swim block in 2016.
[Check out the first four seasons: Samurai Jack: Seasons 1-4]
Samurai Jack was created by Russian-American animator Gennedy Tartakovsky who was also responsible for one of Cartoon Network’s original series Dexter’s Laboratory. Since Samurai Jack ended in 2004 Tartakovsky been working on many projects including Sony’s Hotel Transylvania franchise. Tartakovsky spoke about a possible Samurai Jack return with Cartoon Brew in September 2015: “I think its time is very ripe, and I’m hoping something will happen soon.”