On the Brooklyn Nine-Nine episode “Ava,” NYPD detective Terry Jeffords (Terry Crews) leaves his colleague Jake Peralta (Andy Samberg) in charge of entertaining his pregnant wife Sharon at the precinct while he and Rosa (Stephanie Beatriz) investigate a string of murders on Douglass Street. When Sharon’s water breaks on Peralta’s watch, hilarious chaos ensues.
Sharon Jeffords is portrayed by Merrin Dungey. She’s best known for her roles on Chasing Life (Dr. Susan Hamburg), Once Upon a Time (Ursula), Betrayal (Alissa Barnes), Revenge (Barbara Snow), Alias (Francie Calfo/Allison Doren), Malcolm in the Middle (Kitty Kenarban, Malcolm’s teacher), and last but not least, The King of Queens (Kelly Palmer, Deacon’s wife). Brooklyn Nine-Nine airs Sundays at 8:30pm on FOX.