On the TV series Agent X, only the Vice President (Sharon Stone) has access to Agent X (Jeff Hephner), a handsome, James Bond-like top secret agent who “works in the shadows to protect the U.S. from global and domestic threats.” Not even the President of the United States, Thomas Eckhart, knows about Agent X. But for how can Vice President Maccabee keep Agent X a secret? And should she?
[Who Is John Case On ‘Agent X’?]
President Eckhart is portrayed by John Shea. The veteran actor has been on tons of TV shows from Eight Is Enough to Sex and the City. Shea is best known for his recurring roles on Gossip Girl (Harold Waldorf), The Good Wife (Cary Agos’ father), and Mutant X (Adam Kane). He also starred in the 1982 film Missing
— Shea played the writer Charles Horman who went missing during the 1973 coup in Chile. (Sissy Spacek played his wife, Jack Lemmon his father-in-law.) Fans under 30 will recognize his voice as Lex Luthor in the animated series Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman. Agent X airs Sundays at 9m on TNT.