The new TV series The Enfield Haunting is based on the bizarre events that took place in a seemingly normal house in Enfield, North London. In August 1977, British paranormal investigator Maurice Grosse went to check out the home with fellow member of the Society for Psychical Research, writer Guy Playfair (Matthew Macfadyen). In the series, Playfair asks a medium for help which the famously moustached Grosse does not approve of.
[Who Is Guy Playfair In ‘The Enfield Haunting’? ]
Maurice Grosse is portrayed by Timothy Spall. Americans will recognize the Londoner from the Harry Potter films (Wormtail), The King’s Speech (Winston Churchill), Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street with Johnny Depp, and another Maurice in Mike Leigh’s 1996 film Secrets and Lies. The Enfield Haunting airs Fridays at 10pm on A&E.