You wouldn’t be able to sleep either — all you’d want to do is sing, if it sounded like this. Pentatonix performed “Can’t Sleep Love” on Jimmy Fallon’s Tonight Show and their sweet sound shot around the Internet like an ice cream bell at a kindergarten. (Video below.) How did these five beautiful voices ever manage to find one another? They harmonize with heavenly grace. As Pentatonix finished the performance, Jimmy Fallon — a singer himself, you know — swept across the stage making sure to shake each and every singer’s hand. As he clutched and shook, Fallon said each time: Amazing. Amazing. Amazing. Amazing. Amazing. And it didn’t even sound repetitive. (Penta, of course, means five.) Then Fallon capped it off with a simple — but heartfelt — “WOW!” Because that’s what Pentatonix makes you say: wow.
Which is what Avi Kaplan, Scott Hoying, Kirstin Maldonado, Kevin Olusola and Mitch Grassi — the five Pentatonix singers– must have said to each other when they first got together in Texas back in 2011. Want to know more about Pentatonix? Visit their website. You can buy tracks or stream on Prime here.