Justin Michael was 30 years old when he was shot dead in his bed in the middle of the night, asleep next to his fiancée, Angie Ver Huel. Michael’s killer was 27-year-old David Moffitt, Ver Huel’s ex-boyfriend. They had dated for three months. Ver Huel ended their relationship via text and then started to date Michael.
[Angie Ver Huel, Fiancee of Murdered Justin Michael, Still Teaching]
After the text breakup, Moffitt got a job at Wells Fargo in the same department as Justin Michael. A few months later, Michael proposed to Ver Huel. One month before the wedding, in May 2014, Moffitt broke into Michael’s home and shot him in the neck, face and temple with an assault-style rifle. Moffitt tried to make it look like a burglary by taking a DVD player. He also tried to make it look like one of Ver Huel’s other ex-boyfriends did it. He bought the rifle he used to kill Michael by using the name Andrew Wegener, a man Ver Huel dated before Moffitt. But less than 30 minutes after Michael’s murder, Moffitt crashed his car just 6 miles away from Michael’s home. Moffitt’s attorney claims “it was mental illness and the side effects of antidepressant medications” that caused Moffitt to shoot Michael’s four times as he slept. In July, a jury found Moffitt guilty of first-degree murder and first-degree burglary. He faces a mandatory life sentence in jail.