Beverly Vines-Haines and Charlotte Clay are the co-founders of ICE Chips, the sugar-free candy company that was featured on Shark Tank. The ingredient that makes their safe-for-diabetics candy is Xylitol, a sugar alcohol which is used as a sweetener and, some claim, is beneficial to dental health as it might reduce cavities.
[Related: 27 Favorite ‘Shark Tank’ Products — New List]
Even though their deal with Barbara Corcoran and Mark Cuban for $125k for 33% fell through after the Shark Tank episode aired, the two grannies persevere. They’re still selling Ice Chips on Amazon (see image link below) — single tins, 3-packs, and 6-packs are available. And Beverly has become an author. She’s written Two Grannies in a Garage: How Hard-Headed Perseverance Trumped Scrapbooking
, and is rumored to be writing another.
The Variety Pack includes SIX Full-Size tins in most popular flavors, $34.99 on Amazon