Bryan Cranston plays blacklisted Hollywood writer Dalton Trumbo in a new biopic of the screenwriter of Spartacus and Roman Holiday, a famously outspoken artist who often wrote his scripts in the bathtub. Cranston, though, may soon find himself orangelisted after saying that he hopes Donald Trump stays in the race for the Presidency for as long as possible, if only to ensure that the Donald’s “refreshing” behavior will keep the other GOP candidates honest before he “just collapses that whole tent of his.”
Cranston was interviewed on The Nerdist podcast. Just in case you thought that Walter White had finally gone to the dark side, Cranston makes it clear that he thinks that Trump would be “a horrible President,” but thinks that the Donald’s candidacy is actually a benefit to the country. “There’s something so refreshing about shaking up that world that is all about being handled, and here comes this loose cannon who has terrible ideas and would be a horrible president, but there’s something great about his ‘I-don’t-give-a-sh-t’ attitude that really kind of keeps others honest.”