On Extant, astronaut Molly Woods (portrayed by Oscar-winning actress Halle Berry) is struggling to figure out how she became pregnant during her 13-month solo space mission. And now she and “cop of the future” bounty hunter JD Richter have discovered another pregnant woman “who is suffering from inexplicable and fatal symptoms.” No wonder Molly is starting to question her own mental stability. And it doesn’t help that JD thinks she belongs in the loony bin, too.
JD is portrayed by Jeffrey Dean Morgan. He’s best known for his roles in Grey’s Anatomy (Denny Duquette), Supernatural (John Winchester), and the TV mini-series The Secret Life of Marilyn Monore (Joe DiMaggio). You can see him later this year at the movies. He’s starring in the action/thriller film Bus 657 with Robert De Niro and Kate Bosworth, and another thriller Solace with Colin Farrell and Anthony Hopkins. Extant airs Wednesdays at 10pm on CBS.