Jon Stewart’s last show is scheduled for August 6 — and unless he hosts a big Stephen Colbert-style group celeb songfest at the end and President Obama decides to pop in, Tuesday July 21 will mark Barack Obama’s last appearance at Stewart’s desk. Stewart’s Daily Show — with its prized demographic — was a key element in Obama’s courtship of the youth vote that pushed him over the top in 2008. As sitting president Obama has appeared three times on the show, continuing to use Stewart’s platform to get laughs and charm his base. Stewart can be relied on to ask serious questions, but in an enormously respectful way.
In total Obama will have appeared on Stewart’s show seven times. Obama was first a guest on the Daily Show on November 7, 2005. His other appearances were August 22, 2007; April 21, 2008; October 29, 2008; October 27, 2010; and October 18, 2012. (Note the two appearances in 2008, the year Obama was elected president, and the emphasis on October dates, pre-election day.) Their last conversation will involve Iran nukes, veterans affairs, and probably retirement jokes — since both men are soon giving up their current jobs.