The Godfather films made a major mark in the American consciousness, and then The Sopranos contributed its own echo to that earlier take on the mafia. The Godfather — with its hits, horse heads, blood and bile — was no laughing matter, of course. The Sopranos gave some chuckles, but was deadly serious too. Finally there’s some attire to take the edge off the whole Godfather thing — the Grandfather T-shirt
from the clever peeps at Ann Arbor T-Shirt Company. It’s clever enough, in fact, to be the number 3 bestseller at Amazon for Best Sellers In Clothing as Father’s Day approaches.
The Grandfather T-shirt takes the classic film logo — you can almost hear the music — and with a little switch turns it into a genial joke, making a grandfather out of a godfather. Pretty much every review at Amazon reads something like this: “We bought this for my father from my daughters and he loved it!”
Not this one:
This one: