On Supernatural, Charlie (Felicia Day) finds the Book of the Damned, a spell book for creating or undoing any kind of damnation, including the mark of Cain. “This book is old and scary. And I’ve never seen anything like it,” she tells Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean Winchester (Jensen Ackles). Dean, who’s under a spell, gets his hopes up. But then Charlie is shot by a man named Jacob Styne who says the Book belongs to his family. He says he “won’t rest until he gets it back.”
Jacob Styne is portrayed by Jeff Branson. He’s best known for his soap opera roles as Ronan Malloy on The Young and the Restless, Jonathan Lavery on All My Children, and Shayne Lewis on Guiding Light. Supernatural airs Wednesdays at 9pm on CW.