The horror film It Follows is about teenage sex and the consequences. After a sexual encounter with her boyfriend, a 19-year-old named Jay (Maike Monroe) experiences disturbing visions and “the inescapable feeling that someone or thing is following her.” The boy has passed on something terrible. Something worse than a STD. A creature is set on either killing her or forcing her to pass it on to someone else.
It Follows was written and directed by David Robert Mitchell. The young filmmakers gets irked when people say he made a puritanical statement about teen sex with the movie. “I completely understand why some people would read it that way. I don’t agree, but that’s fine,” he said. “As for it being a new variation or response to the idea of sex equals death in horror films, it’s not such a literal thing. It’s not just about sex…it’s also about life, and death and sex and love.”