Every episode of the NBC drama The Slap follows one character. Next up is Anouk played by Uma Thurman. She’s a close friend of Rosie, the mother of the slapped child, Hugo. When Rosie reports “the good news” that Harry, the man who slapped her child, has been arrested, Anouk tells Rosie “to let it go.” She goes as far to say: “Five-year-olds get slapped all the time and they heal.” The slapping incident definitely causes cracks in their friendship.
Thurman said she likes playing Anouk because Anouk did the opposite of Thurman – the character chose career over family. Thurman, though she’s worked, prioritized family instead: she’s the mother of three (16, 12, and 2). But things are about to change for Thurman’s Anouk: how will her unplanned pregnancy change their relationship and/or her opinion of the slap? We’ll have to watch.