Titin is a serious line of workout clothes that come lined with inserted gel weights. The 8 lbs. system (available in shirts and shorts) is designed to produce real results for HyperGravity training (“using weighted apparel when exercising/training, giving one the feeling of training on earth and playing on the moon”). The weight of the shirts and shorts is evenly distributed across the body “to feel like a 20lbs. weight vest, without compromising form or adding bulk.” The garments lay across major muscles, not joints, so the user can move naturally throughout his/her workout without adding stress to joints.
[LEFT: The TITIN Force Weighted Shirt System at Amazon]
Bonus: You can also heat or freeze the Titin gel inserts which stay hot or cold for 30-40 minutes. The Titin Shirt System goes for $250. The Titin Shorts System is $150.