Taking notes is like the taking reservations. As a bewildered Jerry Seinfeld once explained to a rental car agent who claimed to “know why they had reservations” — I don’t think you do! You see, you know how to take the reservation, you just don’t know how to hold the reservation! … Anybody can just take them!
It’s that way with notes. You can take them all you want, but if you can’t hold them — if they aren’t organized and accessible, searchable and connected — what good are they? The designers of the Letterspace app (IOS, Mac) must be big Seinfeld fans, because they know this intuitively. As one user review says of Letterspace: “I love being able to tag items mentioned in notes for easy access later. Reminds me of the before-there-were-computers way of creating an index.” There are lots of note-taking apps out there. Letterspace is becoming a favorite.