Conservative radio talk show host Mark Levin posted a list of questions for “Mr. Scalise.” The House Majority Whip Steve Scalise recently admitted to speaking at a convention of the European-American Unity and Rights Organization, founded by former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke, in 2002. Levin wrote of Scalise: “He’s yet another example of what’s wrong with the GOP and Washington. The American people are sick of it, and those who defend such awful establishment leadership are not doing either the GOP or the nation any favors. Scalise is another setback.”
Former governor of Alaska Sarah Palin liked what Levin had to say and forwarded his Scalise list to her 4.4 million followers but added a zinger: “Defense of this (last decade) racist action is disgusting and wrong, as is defense of the even more recent immoral actions of our President’s with any association he embraced with the racist Jeremiah Wright and the anti-American domestic terrorist Bill Ayers. I’ll add to Levin’s list: Do political ‘leaders’ think Americans are so stupid we don’t recognize the despicable double standard here, and that we’re so weakly complacent that we’ll put up with this?”