A few years ago former sitcom actor Tony Danza (Who’s The Boss, Taxi) decided to become a teacher. He was a tenth grade English teacher for a year at Northeast High in Philadelphia – the most populated high school in the city. Although Danza didn’t pass the state test required of all teachers and substitute teachers, Danza still got the chance to teach–and in front of a camera.
When Danza’s Teach: Tony Danza reality show on A&E was canceled he wrote a book called I’d Like to Apologize to Every Teacher I Ever Had. Now 63 years old, Danza has returned to Broadway in the musical Honeymoon in Vegas based on the 1992 romantic comedy starring Nicolas Cage, Sarah Jessica Parker and James Caan. Danza is playing Caan’s role, the wealthy gambler who pines for SJP’s character. It’s not his first time on the Great White Way. Danza starred as Max Bialystock in The Producers for three months in 2006. Opening night for Honeymoon in Vegas is January 15, 2015.