Seth Rogen and his BFF James Franco have a new comedy, The Interview, in which the two play characters hired by the CIA to assassinate North Korea’s Kim Jong-Un. I’m sure Rogen’s and Franco’s key demographic audience of teenage stoners will find it hysterical. Just to make sure, Rogen wants people to get high while they watch it. “This legal marijuana thing just keeps paying off for Colorado. Now they’ve got Seth Rogen planning screenings of The Interview where the audience can get high alongside him during the movie,” reports Uproxx. Wow, that ‘let’s all go to the lobby’ ad is really going to give people the munchies, isn’t it?
Rogen tweeted “We are going to do a screening of #TheInterviewMovie in Colorado where I get baked with everyone first, and we can smoke weed in the theater.” Presumably he’s hoping that people aren’t too stoned so they can still tweet to all their friends how bitchin’ the movie is. I have a couple of questions about this. Firstly, although it’s now legal to smoke weed in Colorado, it’s still against the law to smoke in a public place like a movie theater, right? Is this a private invite-only screening? Will the theater be deemed “private space” for one evening? And what about the critics? Do we get like, you know, free weed if we say the film is actually funny?