A man named Nikolay Lamm designed his own version of a Barbie doll and named it after himself, Lammily. The doll has the body of an average American 19-year-old (not an impossible size like Mattel’s Barbie) and comes with acne, moles, stitches, bruises, even mosquito bites and dirt strains. These embellishments come in the way of stickers, for an extra $6.
While many people appreciate the realistic proportions of Lammily, most think adding marks and bumps is too much. David Griffin wrote: “There is a Frankenstein scar on the dolls waist. Was this doll in a gang and received the scar from a fight? What is all that mess on her forehead? Is that rickets, chicken pox or something?” Lamm explained to Yahoo Style: “With these stickers I’m trying my best to show that in the toy world, real life is cool. Yes, it has its ups and downs, it’s not perfect, but it’s all we have, and it’s awesome!” The doll is available at Lamm’s website for $25.