Do potheads in Colorado not like gay people? Or were they just too baked to remember to go to the polling office? Either way, the mile-high state just elected a former Navy chaplain who once tried to exorcise President Obama, and who believes that gays can steal your soul. Tea Party Republican pastor Gordon Klingenschmitt was elected to the State Capitol with almost 70% of the vote. The man behind a campaign to ‘pray in Jesus’ name,’ and who once accused gay Congressman Jared Polis of trying to “bankrupt Christians who refuse to worship and endorse his sodomy” demolished his opponent in the State’s 15th district.
Raw Story reports that “the notoriously anti-LGBT Klingenschmitt came to national attention last year, when he attempted to exorcise a ‘demonic spirit’ from President Barack Obama.” Klingenschmit’s anti-LGBT stance is well-known; he is quoted as saying that gay people “won’t be satisfied with your money. They don’t really want the t-shirts. They want your soul. They want you to disobey God so that you go to Hell with them. It’s not enough that they go to Hell for disobeying God, they want you to disobey God so that we all go to Hell. That’s the Devil’s goal in the end.” He is a vigorous opponent of gay marriage, likening it to child abuse. “What is the most cruel thing you can do to a child? After physical or sexual abuse, the most cruel thing you can do to a child is take away their mother. That’s how homosexual ‘marriage’ causes child abuse, by taking away the child’s mother (or father) and telling the child ‘your need for a mother is less than our right for homosexual pleasure.'” Oh, and I guess the potheads in the 15th district must have stayed home, because they surely didn’t vote for him: he thinks that marijuana was the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden.