This season of NBC’s The Biggest Loser: Glory Days features 20 former athletes including former New England Patriot Damien Woody and fast-pitch softball player Sonya Jones. All of these competitive souls are trying to lose a massive amount of weight. And it won’t be easy. In the September 18 episode, they have to complete an obstacle course while carrying the kind of heavy punching bag that made Mike Tyson sweat.
Later in the show, the Biggest Loser doctor on call, Dr. Robert Huizenga, sits down with each person to discuss the results of their medical exams. The most sobering news is delivered to former NFL player Scott Mitchell. Dr. Huizenga says a diagnosis of diabetes is surely in Mitchell’s very near future. Mitchell reveals that his father and aunt both died from issues related to diabetes. His father once had a safety pin stuck in the bottom of his foot (Mitchell gives a visual demonstration with a plastic foot) for a number of days but didn’t feel it because the disease had killed the nerves in his foot. Mitchell’s father later had the foot amputated. How much inspiration do you need? The Biggest Loser: Glory Days airs Thursdays 8/7c on NBC.