The nicest Denny’s in the world is in downtown Manhattan and the owner wants Wall Street dealmakers to sit at his tables, talk takeovers, and eat his fried egg sandwiches. It’s a brilliant concept: the wealthy famously love to slum a little, to make like the regular folk before ascending to their high rises to plot further world domination. After all, what’s more hip and ironic–those marks of genuine cool–than being able to eat at The Four Seasons but knocking back pancakes instead at a worldwide symbol of value, low rent and cholesterol?
But the thing is, it didn’t work. CNN reports that not only are Wall Street types taking their business elsewhere, but even regular folks–the people Denny’s really counts on–are staying away. So this grand experiment may soon come to an end. The Wall Street focused $300 breakfasts (it comes with Dom Perignon) aren’t selling, and they’re not moving too many regulation Grand Slams either. By all accounts though, the place looks amazing–for a Denny’s.