There’s a little more stability in reality TV star Kendra Wilkinson’s day-to-day life now that her husband, Hank Basset, is living in an apartment. He was accused of cheating on her with a transsexual person while Kendra was eight months pregnant. So to stir up more drama, Kendra turns to her old friend and former lover, Hugh Hefner. They co-starred in the reality TV show, The Girls Next Door, which was filmed at the Playboy Mansion. (Hef thinks Hank was set up, btw.)
After seeing Hef, Wilkinson decides she wants to reach out to her real father, who left her mother, Kendra and her brother when Kendra was just a little girl. With the help LinkedIn, Kendra finds a 56-year-old man named Eric Wilkinson living in Land O’ Lakes, Florida…reportedly at a nudist colony. An all new Kendra On Top airs Friday, October 31 at 9pm on WE tv.