The 2023 Wimbledon tournament has begun in London. In between matches, the organizers of the Grand Slam event hope tennis fans around the world will watch the video below, which celebrates the “unsung heroes of Wimbledon” — the Ball Boys and Girls.
To help shine a light on the skill and dedication of Wimbledon’s Ball Boys and Girls, retired Swiss champion Roger Federer (who has won a record eight men’s singles Wimbledon titles) and Wimbledon’s Patron Her Royal Highness, Catherine, the Princess of Wales (known in America as Kate Middleton) met on the famous grass courts, played a game of doubles, and interacted with the Ball Boys and Girls.
When the official Prince and Princess of Wales Instagram account shared the video, and mentioned that the children “certainly taught us a few things!”, Federer cracked a joke and replied: “I need to work on my tossing form😅.”
Federer captioned the still photographs taken from the video (below): “Once a ball boy, always a ball boy.”
Fans are going wild over the video, especially over Federer and the Princess. As one replied: “hey both look perfect and are so inspiring, so understated and incredibly elegant.”
Note: Federer won at Wimbledon in 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012, and 2017.