The popular CBS reality show Undercover Boss provides disguises for corporate executives to go “undercover” and work side-by-side with employees on the ground. Sometimes the choice of disguises appears arbitrary but the look created for Coco’s Bakery Restaurant’s chief people officer Warren Boone is on point for the restaurant known for its Southern California comfort food.
As new trainee Brad, Warren shows up at a Coco’s Bakery Restaurant wearing a Baja hoodie and long wavy hair just like surfer, stoner Jeff Spicoli (Sean Penn) in the 1982 movie Fast Times at Ridgemont High, which is set in Southern California. Spicoli was known to enjoy comfort food. As seen in the famous scene below, he had a pizza ordered to Mr. Hand’s classroom.
Fun fact: The character of Brad (Judge Reinhold) in Fast Times at Ridgemont High works at a burger and fries restaurant.
Undercover Boss airs Fridays at 8 pm on CBS, right before Magnum, PI at 9 pm and Blue Bloods at 10 pm.