Superstar Susie Abromeit — AKA Jessica Jones of the Marvel Universe — must be made a “Bond Girl” after this photo, according to many happy fans in the comments. But talk of Bond girls is so yesterday, back when superheroes were pretty much exclusively men in tights. Nowadays people know about Gal Gadot and Brie Larson and the world has changed.
And in the spirit of that changed world, one commenter on the spectacular photo above has the right idea in mind: “Someone make Susie a Bond girl STAT. Or just skip a step and make Susie the new Bond.” Now we’re talking… Make Susie the new Bond — that has a ring to it.
But Susie needs no comparisons, no 007, and no pre-established (and dated) roles like “Bond girl” to define her She is her own superstar, always has been. The actress who brought Jessica Jones to astonishingly life isn’t likely to start pining for Bond girl status or start filling her Instagram exclusively with bikini shots either. (Though it’s great when she does!)
But as a top-tier athlete, Susie probably figured she’d just let fans know that, well, she’s FIT. Or as a more ebullient fan puts it, she has “the body of a goddess.” Who can argue? Not Jejune mag, which knows to label Susie “A Force To Be Reckoned.”
Inside the magazine, it says that Susie is “more than a pretty face.” Again, not up for debate. But still…more than this face? Well, YES, but you can see how people make the mistake.
C’mon, VOGUE. That’s no Bond girl below. That’s a main character, no matter what the story is. Susie rocks. That is all.