When former child star Lindsay Lohan (Parent Trap, Freaky Friday, Mean Girls) shared the photo below, of her sprawled on a white carpet with her blouse hanging off her shoulder and reaching for the buttons of her denim short shorts, her mother, reality TV star Dina Lohan replied with a series of red kissing lips.
More than one fan says Lohan is giving a “Shakira vibe.”
Lohan, who had her own reality TV show on MTV “Lindsay Lohan’s Beach Club” last year, is rocking long blonde locks like Shakira, the Colombian-born singer/dancer who’s best known for her hit “Hips Don’t Lie” — who’s only 9 years older than Lohan (who’s turning 34 this summer!).
Lindsay Lohan’s Beach House — which was filmed in Greece at her private club — did not get a second season on MTV but you can watch all the fun online (see link on left).
She’s also channeling her inner/outer Grace Kelly.
Getting super glam for Vanity Fair…