The protagonist of the Lifetime movie Her Deadly Reflections (originally titled Shattered Memories) is Kelly Moore (Helena Mattsson). Her life is upended when she wakes up in the hospital with a light case of amnesia. She’s told by the people closest to her that she was in a car crash but she’s not sure who to trust — including her best friend (Melanie Stone) and her husband, Dan (Corey Sevier).
When not on a movie set, the gorgeous Swede model/actress Mattsson (who played Greta Jager on Mistresses) is often in front of a camera and, at times, without a bra, as seen in the amazing photos above and below.
Her Deadly Reflections premieres on Lifetime Movies on Thursday, January 2 at 8pm. [BONUS: Stream anyLifetime show anytime through the Lifetime Live On Demand TV app here. Download is FREE.]