The protagonist of the Lifetime movie Abducted On Air (originally titled The Lead) is hungry TV news reporter Sasha Bruder (Kim Shaw). She devises a way to get “all the juicy air time” by staging her own on-camera kidnapping. Diane Baldwin (Perrey Reeves), the network’s top investigative reporter, smells something fishy.
When not on a movie set, actress Perrey Reeves — who’s best known for her roles on Entourage (as Mrs. Ari) and in Old School (as Will Ferrell‘s wife Marissa), spends time outdoors and sometimes in a bikini.
When she posted the photo above, she wrote: “Hopefully the gratuitous #bikini pic in front of the #waterfall grabbed your attention! Swipe left for more pix!” She’s promoting yoga teacher training at The Sanctuary in Costa Rica.
She also looks amazing in the water with her husband of four years, Aaron Fox, co-founder and president of tennis company, Grips.
Abducted On Air premieres on Lifetime on Sunday, January 5 at 8 pm. [More Lifetime movies streaming are always available.]