Marrying Millions is a new reality TV show on Lifetime that follows six millionaires and their boyfriends and girlfriends who are close to becoming spouses. One of the six millionaires is 37-year-old Katie Hamilton — she says her net worth is about $10 million.
The mother of four met 23-year-old aspiring hip hop artist Kolton when her daughter Julia brought some friends to her house, and one of the friends brought Kolton. Now, the idea of Kolton becoming Julia’s stepdad is “super weird,” says Julia.
Julia is a professional model and often poses in super sexy bikinis. In June 2018, she signed with The Dragonfly Agency. And she’s winning Instagram just before the show’s premiere, too. On fire, right?
The 5’10” beauty is the daughter of Katie’s ex-husband, Josh Hamilton, former MLB professional baseball player.
Julia was a cheerleader in high school!
Marrying Millions airs Wednesdays at 10 pm on Lifetime.