On The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills episode “A Wolf in Camille’s Clothing,” while Kyle Richards and Lisa Vanderpump “deal with raw emotions in the aftermath of their fight,” Dorit Kemsley takes hold of her husband PK Kemsley‘s health. His diet is in need of a major change. Dorit, 42, says PK, 51, was diagnosed with diabetes before Dorit met him. (They married in 2015.)
[Dorit experiments with her NutriBullet blender]
On The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Dorit remembers the first breakfast they shared together. “He ordered white toast with butter, two fried eggs, potatoes, French fries, bacon, sausage, and probably a side of Coca-Cola. From that moment on, it’s been a daily struggle.” Dorit adds, “This poor man can’t wrap his head around the fact that it’s a very serious illness.” The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills airs Tuesdays at 9 pm on Bravo, right before Mexican Dynasties.