Indian musician and actor Bappi Lahiri says he’s headed to Hollywood this spring with hopes that Marvel will again use one of his unique songs in one of the upcoming Marvel Universe movies. Lahiri’s music first struck most American fans the way it struck Guardians of the Galaxy star Chris Pratt — like a sonic meteor that makes you say wow! Lahiri’s “Jhoom jhoom jhoom baba” got placed in a promotional spot for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 and movie star Chris Pratt was blown away by the energy of the tune. On seeing the promotion, Pratt said, “Whoa, I wonder if it’s too late to put that music in (the movie), instead of the music we played?” (See video below.)
Lahiri told a radio interviewer he’s headed to Hollywood in April and is “in talks with Marvel” to potentially use one of his tracks in a a new film. The boost from Pratt served as the impetus, of course, but Pratt only heard Lahiri’s music because Marvel had already chosen it for the promotion.
Lahiri, known as the King of Disco, comes with some street cred too. He reportedly collaborated with American rapper Snoop Dogg on the song Patiala Peg.