In The Resident episode “Fear Finds a Way,” a nasty flu season turns out to be masking a terribly infectious disease. While Chastain is forced to quarantine and diagnose infected patients, Conrad (Matt Czuchry), Nic (Emily VanCamp) and Alec (Miles Gaston Villanueva) work tirelessly on patient Meg Mullins. 6’3″ Meg was Nic’s favorite guard from her stint in prison. Later, Conrad reveals that he’s ready to take the next step with Nic, but she might not be as ready.
[Watch Jones as Sheldon/Shannon on Glee]
[Check out Jones on Married with Children]
Prison guard Meg is portrayed by Dot-Marie Jones. The three-time Emmy Award nominee is known for her roles on UnREAL: The Faith Diaries (Mickey), Glee (Sheldon Beiste* SEE LINK ABOVE), Hawthorne (Dot), Nip/Tuck (Tess), Lizzie McGuire (Coach Kelly), and Married with Children (Dot), among others. The Resident airs Mondays at 8 pm on FOX, right before The Passage. [BONUS: Stream any FOX show through the FOX NOW: Live & On Demand app here. Download is FREE.]
* Jones’ character on Glee was introduced as Coach Shannon Beiste, the female championship-winning football coach. Later in the show, Beiste comes out as transgender and undergoes gender confirmation surgery, taking on the new name Sheldon Beiste.