Made in Staten Island on MTV follows young people from Staten Island who all have “family ties to the street life.” It features Karina Seabrook — AKA “The Mob Princess.” Her mother is Karen Gravano of Mob Wives. Karina’s grandfather is Salvatore “Sammy the Bull” Gravano, a mob underboss who famously testified against John Gotti in the 1990s. Salvatore Gravano boldly left witness protection only to later serve 18 years for operating an Ecstasy drug ring in Arizona. He’s now out of prison.
One of Karina’s Made in Staten Island co-stars is Christian “C.P.” Patterson. During the show, C.P. visits his father Mack “Butter” Patterson. But it’s not like C.P. just walks across the street to dad’s house — Mack Patterson is serving five years at the Marcy Correctional Facility in Utica, New York for running the Staten Island heroin ring that sold the “Passion” heroin that killed a woman in 2017. Patterson and six others were arrested under the NYPD “Operation Smack Down.” (Smack is street terminology for heroin.)
[Karen Gravano starred in Mob Wives]
The idea of the show is that the young people are trying to change up the crime recipe and break the cycle. But it may be easier said than done, at least in the case of C.P.
One of the plot points of the first season is the charge hanging over C.P.’s head. In 2017, C.P. was at a house party in Staten Island where an 18-year-old was stabbed multiple times. C.P. “didn’t stab nobody,” he says, but “I was involved in the fight so they indicted me.” He’s hoping the courts agree that he “was just at the wrong place at the wrong time.” Made in Staten Island airs Mondays at 10 pm on MTV, right after Teen Mom 2.