In the Lifetime movie A Christmas Arrangement, flower shop owner Poppy Benson (Nicky Whelan, Maya on Scrubs) enters the annual Holiday Floral Show for a chance to win a cash prize and falls in love with Garrett Hurley (Miles Fisher), her competition. Miles is the under-appreciated protégé of floral designer extraordinaire, Blair Covington.
{Check out Zuniga on Melrose Place]
Floral Designer Blair Covington on Lifetime’s A Christmas Arrangement is portrayed by Daphne Zuniga. She’s known for her roles on One Tree Hill (Victoria Davis), Melrose Place (Jo Reynolds, SEE LINK ABOVE), and in the films Spaceballs with Mel Brooks (Princess Vespa), The Sure Thing with John Cusack (Alison), and The Fly II with Eric Stoltz (Beth), among others. A Christmas Arrangement premieres on Lifetime on Wednesday, November 21 at 10 pm.