On the Little Big Shots episode “Steveosaurus Rex,” TV host Steve Harvey welcomes young dinosaur expert Leo to the stage. The stage has been designed to look like prehistoric times. While Harvey is sitting on a bench with Leo, a life-sized triceratops comes walking out. Steve asks Leo what it is and Leo identifies the dinosaur correctly. When a Tyrannosaurus Rex — or T-Rex — comes stomping out on stage, growling, Harvey panics. Leo tries to calm Harvey by reminding him, “It’s not a real T-Rex. It’s just a puppet.” Harvey says, “He doesn’t look like a puppet to me.”
[Steve Harvey might feel more comfortable with this kind of dinosaur puppet]
When the T-Rex lifts its head and cries out, Harvey cries back with a high-pitched scream. “Get away from me!” he tells the puppet, which of course has the audience in stitches. Harvey even pulls out two fingers and pretends to shoot the dinosaur. He hugs Leo, “I got you. Don’t worry about it, Leo.” New episodes of Little Big Shots air Thursdays at 8pm on NBC.