In the New Girl episode “Lillypads,” while Winston (Lamorne Morris) tries to get over his fear of testifying in court, Schmidt (Max Greenfield) prepares for an interview at a prestigious pre-school for his “genius” daughter Ruth. Schmidt recruits Jess (Zooey Deschanel) to help them get ready. At the school, Schmidt and his wife Cece (Hannah Simone) meet Miss Carly.
[Check out Jama as Wendy on Parks and Recreation]
Miss Carly is portrayed by Jama Williamson. She’s known for her roles on School of Rock (Principal Mullins, see photo below), The Good Place (Val), Brooklyn Nine-Nine (Rachel), Mad Men (Libby Blum), Nick at Nite’s Hollywood Heights (Nora Tate), Parks and Recreation (Wendy Haverford), and Weeds (Allison), among others. New Girl airs Tuesdays at 9:30 PM ON FOX.