Milk Snob is a company in Texas that makes stylish covers for infant car seats that can convert into covers for moms to wear while breastfeeding. The founder of Milk Snob, German-born entrepreneur (and mom of 3!) Melanie Disbrow, pitched her 2-in-1 product on Shark Tank in November 2016. She had the advantage of winning the 2016 National Parenting Products Award prior to the show. Disbrow went into the Tank seeking an investment of $125,000 in exchange for 5 percent equity. She made a deal with Lori Greiner — $150,000 for 10 percent.
[pictured: Milk Snob Disney Baby covers are on sale at Amazon]
Milk Snob continues to produce stylish designs and has added a touch of Disney to their offerings. Milk Snob landed a licensing deal with Disney Baby. Check out the new Mickey Mouse and Winnie the Poo covers (see links above and below). They’re $36 each. Milk Snob continues to expand its brand with new products including The Original Milk Snob Pouch, it’s “a modern twist on the traditional sleep sack” and sells for $38 (see below).