The team behind MTV’s hit reality TV show Jersey Shore is behind Floribama Shore. Set on the Gulf Coast, at the popular Panama City Beach, the cameras follow eight young adults who live together. They like to party, hookup, and yes, there is an occasional bar fight. The cast consists of: Gus Smyrnois, Kortni Gilson, Candace Rice, Aimee Hall, Jeremiah Buoni, Kirk Medas, Codi Butts, and Nilsa Prowant.
[Binge watch Jersey Shore on Amazon]
In the “Home Sweet Home to Me” episode, Nilsa and Jeremiah get into an argument. Jeremiah (who is shirtless in the scene) thinks Nilsa is talking down to him. He tells her, “You can talk to me like an adult, okay, woman.” The “woman” comment gives the women in the room pause. (Their mouths drop.) Jeremiah tells the camera: “Nilsa needs to be very thankful she’s not a dude right now but I would literally deck her.” When Nilsa asks Jeremiah if he was raised to talk down to women, he replies, “Last I checked, you earn respect, honey.” Floribama Shore airs Mondays at 10pm on MTV.