In The Simpsons episode “Springfield Splendor,” Lisa writes a graphic novel titled Sad Girl which gets turned into a Broadway show directed by Guthrie Frenel. The show, which features a gigantic monstrous Homer Simpson puppet that interacts with the audience, is a hit — but can Lisa handle all the ego involved?
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Guthrie Frenel is voiced by Martin Short who’s making his debut on The Simpsons. (It just seems like he should have been there before, right?) Short is currently working with former SNL cast member Maya Rudolph again. After making a go at a variety show last year on NBC, Maya & Marty, they’re working on the film The Willoughbys, based on Lois Lowry’s novel of the same title. 30 Rock’s Jane Krakowski, Brooklyn Nine-Nine’s Terry Crews, and Ricky Gervais also star. The Simpsons airs Sundays at 8pm on FOX.