In the new series The Mayor, a struggling 27-year-old rapper in Fort Grey, California named Courtney Rose (Brandon Micheal Hall) runs for mayor to promote his mixtape. But when he starts debating what the town needs, people listen and elect him. When he shows up for work, he’s met by a woman named Kitty Cavanaugh.
[Check out Armenante in Fresh off the Boat]
Kitty is portrayed by Jillian Armenante. She’s known for her roles on Fresh off the Boat (Nancy), Judging Amy (Donna Kozlowski), and in the films Hail, Caesar! (Script Girl) and Girl, Interrupted (Cynthia), among others. She will appear next on the big screen as former White House Press Secretary Karen Hughes in Adam McKay’s biopic of Dick Cheney, Backseat. The Mayor airs Tuesdays at 9:30pm on ABC.
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— Jillian Armenante (@JillArmenante) June 16, 2016