Just one week after the series finale of Pretty Little Liars aired, two of the many sexy stars are competing on The Battle of the Network Stars. Actors Brant Daugherty (Noel Kahn) and Keegan Allen (Toby Cavanaugh) are competing together on the TV Sex Symbols team against the Variety team which includes Nick Lachey and his wife Vanessa Lachey, among others.
[Left: Allen’s first photography book is live.love.beauty]
Keegan Allen, 27, is known for his roles on Pretty Little Liars, and in the films King Cobra (Harlow), Palo Alto (Skull), James Franco’s Bukowski (Jimmy Haddox), and the Lifetime movie The Hazing Secret (Trent Rothman), among others. He’s also a photographer and author (see link above to his book live.love.beauty) and a singer! In February he released the love song, “Million Miles Away.” (See below). The Battle of the Network Stars airs Thursdays at 9pm on ABC.
[Left: Allen is also a singer — download his romantic love song Million Miles Away]