On The Real Housewives of New York episode “A Countess No More,” while Luann and Tom D’Agostino get married, Bethenny Frankel and Carole Radziwill get together for lunch at a Chinese restaurant. Of course they talk about the wedding they weren’t invited to and the rumors about Tom being the eligible bachelor who has “a penthouse apartment and no wife.” Carole reminds RHONY viewers: “And a couple of failed engagements.”
Then the conversation switches to Carole’s boyfriend, personal chef Adam Kenworthy moving out of her apartment. She explains, “Living together, our relationship evolved past the point where either of us got comfortable. I didn’t want to keep reminding him to pick up his socks. I’m not that girl.” She tells Bethenny, “It’s time for him to have his own place. I’m not sad. I think six months of living together was a lot for me.” She concludes “I feel like there’s balance again.” The Real Housewives of New York airs Wednesdays at 8pm on NBC.