The dance duo Al Taw’am (Arabic for “The Twins”) comprises 17-year-old Muslim identical twin sisters Iman and Khadijah Siferllah-Griffins of Edina, Minnesota. They are competing on the premiere season of World of Dance. According to their Facebook page, “Iman and Khadijah believe that their God given dance ability is their superpower, and they want to use that superpower to inspire others.”
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That said, the sisters’ superpower hasn’t shielded them from “several disgusting comments” left under the original video below. The twins responded in March by writing: “We’ve been threatened, told that we’re flat out going to hell, and that we’re not Muslim to name a few. The condemnation of another Muslim is totally against all that Islam stands for.” World of Dance airs Tuesdays at 10pm on NBC.