The Lifetime TV movie Killer Mom is a doozy. It opens with a 14-year-old girl named Allison who lost her father in a plane crash just two years after losing her mother (who adopted Allison). Allison’s birth mother Jessica (she had an affair with Allison’s father but gave up custody) shows up at the funeral, wanting to see “her daughter.” Jessica tells Allison that she’s now ready to be her mother — but she has ulterior motives (money) which she is willing to kill for.
Jessica is portrayed by Karen Cliche. The Canadian-born actress is known for her roles on Flash Gordon (Baylin), The Business (Scarlett Saint-James), Young Blades (Jacqueline Roget), Mutant X (Lexa Pierce), Adventure Inc. (Mackenzie Previn), and Vampire High (Essie Rachimova), among others. Killer Mom premieres on Lifetime on April 15 at 8pm.