My 600-lb Life tells the story of Steven and Justin, brothers who together weigh nearly 1400 pounds. Steven has been on TV before. In 2007, he appeared on Dr. Phil and was chewed out by the host. Dr. Phil called Steven (who also goes by the name John) a “con artist” among other things (“lazy, manipulative, and fundamentally dishonest,” etc.).
[Left: Nikki on My 600-lb Life used the Free app My Fitness Pal to track her calories (1200/day) and says it was “a godsend!”]
Since then, Steven as John Assanti has posted several videos of himself on YouTube under the name FatBoyGetDown. In the videos he lip syncs and dances shirtless to songs including “My Humps” and “I Kissed a Girl.” While the FatBoyGetDown channel is no longer accessible, his videos continue to circulate, and his brother Justin has opened another YouTube channel called, Living with FatBoyGetDown. My 600-lb Life airs Wednesdays at 8pm on TLC.